Join Us!
Thank you for your interest in ML@B! Take a look below to get some more info on our recruiting timeline and our upcoming events. In the meantime, we encourage you to browse around the website to get a better idea of the work we do as an organization. We look forward to meeting you!
Find Your Fit
There are three tracks available when applying to ML@B: the New Member Education Program (NMEP), Projects, and our Fellows Program. Each track corresponds to varying levels of familiarity with machine learning.
Recruitment Timeline
Applications Open
Thu, Jan 23
The written application is an opportunity for you to talk about yourself, your experiences, and why you are interested in ML@B. It's a bit lengthy so be sure to get started early!
Application Due Date: Thursday, Jan 30 at 11:59pm
Coffee Chats
Fri, Jan 24 - Thu, Jan 30
Coffee chats are a way to get to know ML@B members more personally. You'll have the opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation about anything you'd like!
Clubs and Cookies
Mon, Jan 27
Soda 306 (HP Auditorium)
A cross-club event where you get to learn a bit more about ML@B, interact with ML@Bers, and have some awesome cookies!
Infosession #1
Tue, Jan 28
Hearst Field Annex 1
We will be going over what the club offers its members, what we expect from new members, and some of the things we've accomplished as a club in the past. Towards the later half of the infosession, you will have the opportunity to speak with members of the club!
Note: The content at both infosessions is the same — you only need to attend one.
Women's Night
Wed, Jan 29
Cory 299
A chance for our female applicants to interact with the women of ML@B to learn about their experiences as a part of our community and get acquainted with the work and opportunities that can be found in ML@B.
Infosession #2
Thu, Jan 30
Jacobs 10
We will be going over what the club offers its members, what we expect from new members, and some of the things we've accomplished as a club in the past. Towards the later half of the infosession, you will have the opportunity to speak with members of the club!
Note: The content at both infosessions is the same — you only need to attend one.
Applications Due
Thu, Jan 30
The written application is an opportunity for you to talk about yourself, your experiences, and why you are interested in ML@B. It's a bit lengthy so be sure to get started early!
Technical Interview
Invite Only
Sat, Feb 1
This round focuses on learning more about your technical background and skills, as well as general familiarity with machine learning.
Note: Interview invites are typically released late at night, so be sure to check your email before 9am on interview day morning to schedule your interview.
Member Mixer
Invite Only
Sun, Feb 2
This mixer is an opportunity to get to know members of ML@B on a more personal level in a casual setting, and vice versa!
Final Round Interview
Invite Only
Sun, Feb 2 - Mon, Feb 3
Final round interviews take place with the members of our executive team. Our goal is to get a complete sense of who you are and your aspirations within machine learning.
Frequently Asked
I'm not sure which track is the right fit for me. Which one should I apply to?
I have no prior experience with machine learning. Do I still have a chance of getting in?
What will I be doing in ML@B after completing NMEP?